Foundry Fellowship, Fall 2023

The Fellowship Teams

Introducing EduPonics: Hands-On Learning for a Sustainable Future

In the heart of Olin's Public Interest Technology (PInT) Club, a budding initiative is taking root: EduPonics, or Educational Hydroponics. This endeavor embodies more than plant science; it's an immersive learning tool designed to educate, engage, and inspire.
A project rooted in Educational Hydroponics, its mission is twofold: to provide hands-on STEM education and address pressing issues of food injustice and sustainability.

Gleaned from direct feedback from educators, including those at the Boys and Girls Club at Waltham, there's a noted gap in tactile STEM experiences, especially after the COVID-19 disruptions. EduPonics aims to fill this gap with classroom-ready hydroponics kits. These kits teach basic circuitry, and mechanics, and touch upon societal issues tied to hydroponics.

With enthusiasm from middle school teachers in Natick, the team is collaboratively integrating these kits into curriculums. Using insights from educators, students, and resources at the Foundry, EduPonics is poised to reshape how classrooms approach STEM and sustainability.

Wrong Dimensions: Where Design Meets Whimsy"

in the vast realm of design, some creations stand out not just for their functionality but for the stories they tell and the reactions they evoke. Enter Wrong Dimensions, an innovative project that beautifully marries functionality with whimsy.

Imagine stumbling upon objects of your daily life, but with a twist in scale. Wrong Dimensions is on a quest to reimagine the mundane, breathing life into overlooked objects by altering their scale and thrusting them into the limelight. Their central theme is simple yet evocative: by changing an object's scale, you not only reinvent its purpose but also its narrative in our lives.

They're not just creating products; they're crafting experiences, inviting individuals to engage more openly in self-expression, joy, and conversation. With an established prototype under their belt, the team is eager to dive deeper into market research and product development.

In a world where design can sometimes feel repetitive, Wrong Dimensions is a breath of fresh air. They challenge the status quo, asking us to see the beauty in the mundane and find joy in the unexpected. Here's to more such delightful inventions from the house of Wrong Dimensions!

Dynamic Drive: Pioneering Transparent Wankel Engine Education

In an era where hands-on learning holds immense significance, Dynamic Drive is redefining engine education. Their recent project aims to craft a transparent, scaled-down version of the Wankel engine, a distinctive rotary engine design that stands apart from the typical piston engines many are familiar with.

What makes this initiative truly groundbreaking is its dual purpose. While it promises to be a fully operational engine, its transparent design ensures it's also a treasure trove for educational endeavors. It provides an unobscured view of the Wankel engine's workings, allowing learners to delve deep into the mechanics of this unique engine without losing its essence.
Dynamic Drive's approach to size is strategic. By halving the engine's original dimensions, they ensure that its operations remain both comprehensive and intricate, catering to enthusiasts and novices alike.

But the team isn't stopping there. They're already looking to the horizon with plans to integrate an electric motor, evolving their model into a hybrid engine. Such an innovation will undoubtedly enhance the learning experience, providing a broader perspective on modern engine mechanics.

It's an initiative we'll certainly be watching closely, anticipating its impact on education and the broader engineering landscape.

Introducing Minos: Crafting A Blend of Tradition and Modern Utility, where our gadgets and tech accessories accompany us everywhere, safeguarding them becomes not only essential but a part of our style statement. Enter Minos, a visionary team that's breathing fresh life into the timeless allure of leatherwork.

Their latest endeavor? Curating elegant leather sets that promise not just protection for your prized possessions like laptops, keyboards, mice, and the ubiquitous tangle of cables, but also an aesthetic charm that’s undeniably alluring. Imagine stepping into a café, pulling out your laptop from a beautifully crafted leather case, and watching your heads turn. That's the elegance Minos aims to deliver.

But Minos isn’t just about modern utility. At the heart of their designs lie traditional leatherworking techniques. By weaving cultural and mythological elements into their work, they are narrating stories, embedding histories, and crafting legacies.

heir meticulously designed leather sets are set to redefine how we carry our tech world with us, one stitch at a time.

Broke Mate: Pioneering Affordable Luxury in Vegan Leather

In an age where sustainable fashion choices are not just a trend but a necessity, the search for eco-friendly and cruelty-free alternatives has been relentless. However, a common challenge faced by conscious consumers is the high cost associated with alternative leather materials. Enter Broke Mate, a brand that's all set to revolutionize the vegan handbag market.

Broke Mate has identified the potential of unconventional sources like coconut, pineapple, mushroom, and the highly leather-like cactus to craft their handbags. While each of these materials brings its own unique texture and sturdiness to the table, they all align with the brand's commitment to cruelty-free fashion.

With the support of the Foundry fellowship, Broke Mate aims to bridge the gap between sustainable choices and affordability. Their mission? To cater to the "affordable luxury" niche, offering fashion-forward designs without compromising on the.

Polymera Grandis: Pioneering Sustainable Furniture Solutions

In a world striving for sustainable solutions, Polymera Grandis has unveiled an innovative approach that promises to revolutionize the furniture industry. Drawing inspiration from the challenges of our times, the team proposes a unique blend of recycled plastics and the unmatched strength of teak wood to craft furniture that's not only functional and aesthetic but also environmentally conscious.

The environmental footprint of the furniture sector is undeniable. From the vast swathes of forests felled to produce traditional wooden furniture to the escalating carbon footprint, the need for change is palpable. Additionally, the widespread use of plastics, which often end up as pollutants choking our environment, further compounds this problem.

Enter Polymera Grandis, with a mission to bridge this gap. Their project repurposes discarded plastics, giving them a new lease of life as part of beautiful and enduring furniture pieces. The brilliance of this concept lies in its dual sustainability strategy – addressing the issue of plastic waste while also reducing the demand for newly sourced wood. By maintaining the aesthetic allure and robustness of teak, the team ensures that eco-friendliness does not translate to a compromise on quality.

As we stand on the brink of a green revolution, initiatives like that of Polymera Grandis serve as a beacon, showing industries everywhere that it's possible to innovate, create, and thrive while treading lightly on our planet.