Making Coffee Workshop

For making coffee, there are three main factors that you need to consider that will influence your end result. Your bean roast, the bean grind, and water ratio. If you have all three of these factors perfect, then you will brew a perfect cup of coffee!

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There are also a lot of different brewing methods, and depending on the method, different grinds and ratios might be used. Any cup of coffee begins with the beans you choose. A lighter roast tends to be more sour and have a fruitier, sweet flavor, while a darker roast tends to be more bitter and taste more chocolatey and probably more familiar. In regards to grind, for methods where water is being pushed through the grounds with pressure, such as a Moka pot or Aeropress, use a finer grind.

For methods where water is simply seeped in the grounds, like a French press, use a very coarse grind. Other methods where water is being run over the grounds, like a pour-over or drip coffee, use a medium grind. With ratio, the so-called perfect ratio is 16:1 water-to-grounds by weight, however, feel free to play with this ratio to achieve either a more concentrated, almost espresso-like, coffee or coffee with a weaker flavor.

Coffee is supposed to be enjoyable! Play around with the equipment in the Weissman Foundry and see how it affects the result!

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